Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Delena All Over Again?

Vampire Diaries Spoilers: Will Elena Fall in Love With Damon All Over Again?

You better believe we’re counting down the seconds until Damon and Elena meet again. The Vampire Diaries couple shared an epic love...until Damon kinda, sorta died and Elena erased her memory of their romantic relationship because it was too hard to go on without him. Now, Damon is back from the not-so-dead, eager to reunite with his lady love. What happens next?
TVD executive producer Caroline Dries chatted the big Delena reunion with TV Guide. How will Elena feel about the entire debacle?: “She's going to experience a lot of expectations riding on the moment of Damon and Elena coming face-to-face once again,” Caroline teased. “Can their love break through the compulsion? Will she look at him and fall back in love because it's him? Will she run for the hills? There are a lot of questions we're building to, so we're going to try to milk that moment and make it as big of a deal as we've been leading up to.”
Great. Sounds like we might have to wait the entire episode to see these two back together again. On the other hand, the TVD Powers That Be are not treating this moment lightly. Instead, they see it as “a test [of] their relationship as a couple” and “a huge hurdle they'll have to overcome.” Um, so no magical compulsion-reversal from Alaric, then? Yeah, we thought there might be a snag in this plan.
For the TVD writers, this supernatural circumstance gives Elena a chance to reflect on her relationship with Damon in a unique way, asking questions like: “Is it possible to start fresh? Or will she just remember him as the guy who killed her brother? To me it adds a huge layer of conflict without it feeling contrived, because he really did all of those things. So it's her giving herself a reality check at this time in her life when she's doing well in school and she has this cool guy Liam (Marco James). She's trying to weigh her options and it becomes this eternal struggle of, ‘Which road do I take?’”
We’re guessing she’ll eventually take the Delena road, but she might take a few detours or pull a few U-ies in the short-term. (What? It’s not our metaphor, we’re just going with it.) All we have to say at this point on the journey is: We’re pleasantly surprised how much new life TVD has managed to breathe into its sixth season. Right now, we’re totally enjoying the ride.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

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