Tuesday 3 June 2014

Who's Hooking Up With Who in Season 6?

The Vampire Diaries Speculation: Who's Hooking Up With Who in Season 6?

The Vampire Diaries ended its fifth season with none of its many romances happily resolved. Usually, when the supernatural drama ends a season, we have at least one relationship ending on a happy note. Not so much here: Damon and Elena are seemingly forever separated. Jeremy and Bonnie are seemingly forever separated.
We suppose Stefan and Caroline end the season on a somewhat positive note in that they are both alive and a question of a possible romantic development has been presented, but to call them a romance at this point would be pushing the definition. Basically, with so many relationships up in the air, anything could happen in Season 6, especially given the “substantial time jump.” Here are some of our best guesses at who might get together in the wake of this romantic chaos!

Jeremy/Liv. Hey, we didn’t say these were going to be healthy romances, did we? Given how tragically the relationship between Jeremy and Bonnie ended, we doubt Jer will be in the best place to start up something new come Season 6, even with the time jump. However, we wouldn’t be surprised if TVD explored the romantic tension between Jeremy and Liv sometime in Season 6. Though Jeremy only seemed to have eyes for Bon Bon, Liv’s flirtations with Jeremy were made an emotional subplot in Season 5. Might Jeremy turn for Liv in Season 6 in his time of grief? If so, fandom should definitely go with the shipper name Livemy.

Caroline/Stefan. Whether or not these two friends turn things romantic in Season 6 is yet to be seen, but their relationship is definitely getting a spotlight in the upcoming season. Executive producer Caroline Dries told Alloy Entertainment: “The feelings behind the feelings are something we get to explore in season 6 as we watch how [Caroline’s] relationship with Stefan plays out in the wake of the finale.” After all of the Steroline teasing in Season 5, we can’t imagine these two not getting together, even if it doesn’t last. With Delena separated and Stelena seemingly over (at least for now), TVD is going to be looking elsewhere for its romance. We think Steroline is the coupling they have chosen.

Tyler/new character. Now that he’s human again, Tyler has a whole new chance at a “normal” life. That is, as long as he doesn’t trigger that pesky werewolf gene by killing someone — drama! This will include the possibility of new love for our favorite former hybrid. Executive producer Julie Plec told The Hollywood Reporter: “I'm excited about Tyler's storyline this year. It's time for him to find somebody new to love, because one thing that can help us with the darkest parts inside ourselves is the light of love, so I'm looking forward to exploring that with him.”
Given that we can’t think of anyone else in Mystic Falls for Tyler to date — Tyler will be hanging out with Jeremy and Matt in the non-supernatural zone that is now Mystic Falls — we’re guessing Tyler’s future bea will be a new character? Unless, of course, April Young is back for Season 6. What has that girl been up to? Did she survive the Traveler invasion?

Luke/new character. We’re really hoping that TVD commits to the only non-heterosexual character currently on the show by giving him a love interest. We totally love Luke, and after everything he went through in Season 5 (including dying), we think he deserves a little romance. That is, if he’s even in Season 6.

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