Tuesday 20 May 2014

"Settled Place"

Vampire Diaries Season 6 Spoilers: Elena and Stefan Will Be in a "Settled Place"

One thing The Vampire Diaries Season 5 did really well was deal with the Stelena relationship in the wake of Elena’s choice to be with Damon. That conversation when the former couple talked about their shared dream-visions of an imaginary, perfect life together and how they had been happy without a spell? Perfection! Stefan and Elena may no longer be in love, but they still love one another deeply — and it sounds like that connection may play an important role in Season 6. What did Nina tell TV Guide about Stelena in the upcoming season?
"If you look back to Season 1, it's been very hectic for her and it's nice [for her and Stefan] to be in a settled place," Nina said of the Stelena relationship. "But it's the CW; we're not going to stay there for very long. She's not going to be happy for more than 15 minutes in the first episode of Season 6." Ah, yes: the cycle of fleeting happiness and obstacle-shaped misery that TVD does so well. Elena may be grieving for the apparent loss of Damon, but at least she has Stefan to keep her company. If anyone is going to be as broken up about Damon’s death as she is, it’s going to be Stefan.
We’re particularly excited to see this dynamic because TV so rarely gives us good examples of friendships between men and women. We’re just glad to be out of the love triangle for now. Don’t get us wrong -- we love a good love triangle, but only when it is working in a way that is true to the characters involved. When the characters start acting out-of-character or make redundant decisions in service to the love triangle, that’s when it becomes less fun. Right now, the Stelena relationship is set in solid friend mode, a development that was earned and makes sense for these two characters right now. Whatever happens in the future, we’re eager to see this dynamic of mutual respect and platonic love play out in Season 6.

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