Thursday 29 May 2014

Paul Wesley's First Celebrity Crush Was?

You'll Never Guess Who Paul Wesley's First Celebrity Crush Was!

No doubt Paul Wesley has been many a young person’s first celebrity crush, but who does the Vampire Diaries star name as his first celebrity crush? Read on to find out!
Earlier this month, Paul took the Entertainment Weekly Pop Culture Personality Test, fessing up about all of his greatest pop culture obsessions — including his first celebrity crush: “This is really weird, but I loved Mandy Moore,” Paul admits, which is totally understandable in our book.
Mandy Moore is a total babe. “My co-star at the time, I was on a soap opera, was Brittany Snow, who kind of maybe knew her sort of? And I was like, ‘Can you give her my number?’ And then she never called me.” Aww. Poor, Paul. Though we love that, in the story about his first celebrity crush, he is only one degree removed from that person. Hollywood, amirite?
Paul also came clean about the bit of pop culture that scares him the most — and it has an ironic connection to his current job as an on-screen vampire: “Remember Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?” Paul asks. Um, yes... “I used to watch that as a young kid, and there’s one scene where the guy goes up to Indiana Jones and he’s doing this thing and he’s gonna rip his heart out. I would literally have tremors at night. My mom would have to come into my room because I would be thinking about this heart gag with Harrison Ford.”
This fear was oddly prophetic of Young Paul, given that his on-screen counterpart Stefan Salvatore recently had his heart ripped from his chest: coincidence, fate, or self-fulfilling prophecy? You decide.
EW Personality Test: Paul Wesley-I thought I was a HIp Hop Artist When I Was 13 by Stelena lovers

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