Thursday 29 May 2014

I Thought I Was a Hip-Hop Artist When I Was 13

Paul Wesley: I Thought I Was a Hip-Hop Artist When I Was 13

Paul Wesley may have settled into his hipster, beanie-wearing persona now, but the Vampire Diaries star hasn’t always been so sure of his look. In fact, he experimented with hip-hop fashion as a budding teenager. Listen to Paul tell the hilarious story of his too-large pants...
It all started with Entertainment Weekly asking Paul what his go-to karaoke song is as part of their Pop Culture Personality Test. After first stating that he has never done karaoke, Paul recanted, saying: “You know what? I’ve done karaoke. The one and only time I did it, at a bar mitzvah. Vanilla Ice, ‘Ice Ice Baby,’” he recalls. Ah, yes. A classic! “Yeah, I was like 13. Isn’t that when bar mitzvahs happen?”
Apparently, Paul’s preference for hip hop didn’t stop at his one-and-only karaoke performance. It extended to his fashion choices: “I thought I was like a hip-hop artist, apparently, when I was 13 years old, so I’d wear these pants that were so massive,” Paul admits. “I used to go visit my relatives in Europe, or Poland, and they literally wouldn’t bring me out in public.” Um, that may be our favorite story ever. And can we please see Stefan Salvatore go through a similar phase in the form of a TVD flashback? After 170 years in existence, you know there have been some unfortunate Salvatore fashion choices that this show is not showing us.
EW Personality Test: Paul Wesley-I thought I was a HIp Hop Artist When I Was 13 by Stelena lovers

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