Saturday 17 May 2014

Nina Dobrev Wants Elena to Find Happiness

Vampire Diaries Season 6: Nina Dobrev Wants Elena to Find Happiness

There’s probably a lot that Elena Gilbert wants right about now on The Vampire Diaries — her boyfriend to not dead, for one. But what does Nina Dobrev hope to see for her on-screen counterpart in Season 6? Nina talked to Entertainment Weekly about Elena’s going forward.
“She’s really blossomed into this strong woman since the show began, so I’m excited to see her hopefully have a departure and a closure from this world,” Nina said of Elena’s journey. “Hopefully that means she’ll get everything she ever wanted, which was really just a family, and stability, and love, and her friends, and everyone’s safety.”
Nina probably shouldn’t hold her breath — unless Season 6 ends up being the final season for the popular vampire drama. We doubt that Elena will get everything she wants — especially that safety one — anytime short of the final scene of the final episode. And, even then, maybe not. Sorry, is that cynical? That’s how TV drama works, friends.
As for what actually might be in store for Elena come Season 6, we’re thinking a quest to bring Damon back from the dead (oh yeah, and Bonnie) somehow might be in order. This Season 6 promo poster teases a “journey back to each other.” Also on the docket: possible humanity? Don’t think it escaped our notice that Tyler is no longer a hybrid. Does this mean everyone who came back from the Other Side was somehow reverted back to their original, human forms? So many questions, such a seemingly interminable hiatus ahead!

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