Thursday 24 April 2014

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Spoilers!

Vampire Diaries Season 6 Spoilers: New Parameters, New Locations, and More! 

The Vampire Diaries will soon be entering into its sixth season — and it sounds like it’s getting a new look to go with it. What did Paul Wesleytease about the Season 5 finale and what it will mean for the upcoming season?
There is going to be some major fallout in Season 6 from the Season 5 finale. Paul Wesley told TV Guide: "[The finale] definitely establishes new parameters in the environment we'll be shooting in Season 6. They reset things in a way, and the writers have the ability to now change the circumstances and locations of where the show takes place."
If that was slightly confusing, perhaps this spoiler will give it some context: the Travelers are out to destroy all magic, and that includes the Other Side. With the Other Side in peril, it seems that Bonnie might be heading to a “new world.” Are the new parameters, circumstances, and locations Paul talked about having to do with the Other Side? Will Bonnie be there for good come Season 6? And, if so, does that mean there might be some potential to bring back some of our thought-dead favorites as recurring or even main characters? Perhaps we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves, but it sounds like Season 6 will bring in a whole new factor to the TVD universe, and we can’t wait. As much as we love TVD’s formula, as the show heads into its sixth season, we’re ready to mix things up and see something new from the supernatural drama. Who’s with us?

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