Thursday 10 April 2014

Battle Of The Salvatores Bros!

Which Vampire Diaries Star Is Hotter: Ian Somerhalder or Paul Wesley?

It’s almost impossible choosing between Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore) and Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore), but someone has to do it, right? It’s the great debate of our generation, pitting these Vampire Diaries stars against each other in what may be the most important hottie death match ever. Let’s take a look at their sexy arsenal!
Here’s the predicament: When we look through the checklist of physical attributes we would like to hold near and dear — eyes, lips, arms, and abs — it’s pretty much a dead heat between these two. And don’t even get us starting on their hair! Phew, we’re getting heart palpitations just thinking about it.
We tune in each and every week to watch these two give us vampire realness, snapping necks, and breaking hearts — literally. The best thing about their characters is that both have distinct good and bad sides, with Damon typically being a dangerous guy and Stefan having his whole “Ripper” personality.
Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) may have to choose between these smoking hot dudes, but that doesn’t mean we have to. Come at us, Salvatore bros!

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