Saturday 17 May 2014

"No Vampires"

Vampire Diaries Season 6: Paul Wesley Wants "No Vampires" Going Forward

What does Paul Wesley want for The Vampire Diaries? No more vampires! Hear what he had to tell Entertainment Weekly about his non-supernatural hopes for Season 6.
“I really think in season 6 they should just take away all the powers on the show — no vampires, no witches — they should all be gone and everyone should go back to being normal, and then we’ll see what happens,” Paul told the news outlet. “I think Stefan would do great, he would do wonderfully, but Damon would be a disaster.” Agreed (on the Stefan vs. Damon as mere mortals thing, at least). And, we actually think this outcome is kind of possible — well, at least partially. With everything that went down in the finale moments of the Season 5 finale, it is easy to forget that Tyler seemed to revert back to his human state after his crossing back from the Other Side. Did this also happen to the other characters who died and were brought back to life through Bonnie? If so, Stefan, Elena, and Enzo will all be pulling a Katherine, too, and going from vampire to good old-fashioned human.
Though much of the success for this possible storyline is tied up in its execution, we think it has a lot of potential. Team Human has been seriously dwindling in the numbers department these last few seasons, making most of the cast more-or-less invincible (especially when coupled with that pesky habit TVD has of bringing characters back from the dead — case in point: that thing that was the Season 5 finale). More human characters raises the stakes (if TVD lets it), while at the same time asking some interesting questions about the nature of immortality, physical vulnerability, and what it means to be human. Basically, the early Season 5 Katherine story arc, which was awesome. The question is: was this awesome because the transition from vampire to human raises compelling questions or was this awesome because Katherine Pierce was involved. Probably both.
What we’re trying to say is: we don’t think Paul’s idea is so crazy in moderation. Though, we’ll have to wait until the promos for Season 6 start dropping to find out if it’s a direction TVD is willing to go.

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