Saturday 31 May 2014

Caroline Isn't Sure What She's Feeling For Stefan

Vampire Diaries Season 6: Caroline Isn't Sure What She's Feeling For Stefan

Steroline was teased pretty heavily in the Season 5 finale of The Vampire Diaries. Will a romance between vampire besties Caroline and Stefan blossom in Season 6? TVD executive producer Caroline Dries chatted with Alloy Entertainment on the topic of Steroline — specifically Caroline’s feelings for Stefan.
“Stefan is her friend. Elena loved Stefan. Elena’s her best friend. Kind of a no-fly zone, which is why I think that if she has had any more-than-friend feelings she’s pushed them away or convinced herself otherwise,” Caroline said of the Steroline dynamic. “The feelings behind the feelings are something we get to explore in season 6 as we watch how her relationship with Stefan plays out in the wake of the finale...Her feelings for Stefan are (at the conscious level right now) friend feelings. I personally feel like she’s not quite sure what she’s feeling. It’s all types of confusing. Lots of grey area.” Sounds like Caroline’s feelings for Stefan are just as confused as Stefan’s feelings for Caroline seemed to be in the Season 5 finale, when Lexi brought up the possibility of the two dating. But it sounds like the show is open to exploring both sides.
The Season 5 finale saw another big development in Caroline’s narrative when she chose to kill Luke in order to make Liv do the spell that would bring Stefan back. It was kind of brutal — and totally uncharacteristic for the generally moral vampire. Caroline shared some insight: “Caroline, as we know, doesn’t like not being in control of things and with Stefan’s death and Bonnie’s prediction about her own fate, Caroline was feeling helpless and out of control. So that vicious move was pure emotional desperation.” We wonder if there will be any emotionally repercussions for Caroline’s choice? And, if she will continue to follow this path into darkness...  
“Any time we turn a character dark it’s fun because it’s a change of pace for the writers, actors and viewers,” Caroline divulged. “It’d be interesting to see a darker Caroline but we would only go down that road if it felt 100% earned.” We don’t think our Care Bear is that broken...yet.

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