First kiss whilst comet-watching
First season Stelena was oh-so-sweet. There are so many
adorable early romance moments to choose from, but one of
our favorite is their first kiss in "Night of the Comet."
The twospend the entire day making eyes at each other
beforemeeting up for some romantic comet-watching that
ends with their first kiss. Adorable!
Stelena sleeps together
Season 1 Stelena is full of a lot of firsts, and the first time
Stefan is planning on leaving Mystic Falls... until Elena tells
him she loves him. He tries to turn away when his face goes
into vamp mode, but she doesn’t let him, telling him, “don’t
hide from me.” Their sex scene manages to be both sweet
and sexy at the same time, and keeps Stefan in Mystic Falls.
Elena convinces Stefan to “keep fighting”
It’s tough to see Stefan or Elena miserable, but it often
makes for the best scene-age. In Season 1, Episode 20,
Stefan is struggling with the sins of his past. He decides he
cannot go on in such misery, and chooses to remove his
daylight ring and wait for the sun to rise. A desperate Elena
finds him, and convinces him to “keep fighting,” though
ultimately leaving him to make his own choice. He choose
life, and her. Of course!
Stefan and Elena spend the day together
Convinced that it may be their last chance to spend time
together with Elena as human, Stefan and Elena decide to
spend a romantic day in the wilderness in Season 2, Episode
20: “The Last Day.” This whole episode is chock-full of
wonderful Stelena moments, but the one in which Stefan
tells Elena that “If it were my choice, I’d wanna be with you
forever” and Elena admits that she really doesn’t want to be
a vampire, is both heartbreaking and wonderful.
Emotionless Stefan calls Elena on
her birthday
Gah! Season 3 was a torturous time for Stelena shippers.
Though Stefan has turned off his emotions and is playing
Klaus’ wingman, he totally still somehow manages to love
Elena. He calls her on her birthday, but can’t bring himself
to say anything. She knows it’s him, though, and reassures
him as he silently cries on the other end: “Stefan, if this is
you, you’ll be okay. I love you, Stefan. Hold onto that. Never
let that go.” Never has a one-sided conversation so choked
us up.
Stefan catches Elena
Stefan “The Ripper” Salvatore may claim not to care about
Elena past Klaus’ orders to protect her doppelganger blood,
but when a tipsy Elena climbs over the high school
bleachers’ fence and falls off, he catches her with a bit more
concern than someone just doing his job. “I knew you’d
catch me,” she tells him and it totally looks like they’re
going to kiss - then, Alaric shoots him with some vervain
darts. It’s always something!
Stefan comforts Elena after Alaric dies
When Alaric dies, Elena refuses to acknowledge the event.
She sets about cleaning all of the stakes out of his classroom,
but Stefan stops her. He leads her into the high school
auditorium, empty, but still dressed up for the 1920s dance.
He gives her the same advice that she has been giving him
all season, “Our emotions are what makes us human,” and
reminds her it’s okay to feel. She laments the loss of yet
another person in her life, telling Stefan, “I don’t have an
yone anymore.” Stefan’s predictable yet-no-less moving
response: “You have me.” Elena breaks down, and Stefan
Stefan and Elena go to prom
There have been so many excellent Stelena dance scenes over
five seasons of their on-again-off-again love story, and
though the one in which Stelena dances at prom may not be
the happiest or even the best, it also works as a tribute to all
of the Stelena dance moments that have come before. Trying
to feel Elena back into her humanity, Stefan dances with
Elena at her prom. He reminds her what it has always been
like when they danced together - how he would put his hand
on her hip, intertwine their finger, and slowly dip her.
Though the scene ends with Elena walking away, we refuse
to believe she was unmoved. We certainly were,
remembering all of the Stelena romance that had come
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