Monday, 9 February 2015

Vampire Diaries Logic Fails 6x13

Vampire Diaries Logic Fails: Season 6, Episode 13

Elena Is Shocked in Season 6, Episode 13 (“The Day I Tried to Live”)

The Vampire Diaries prioritizes other things over logic: like romance and the best flashback wigs this side of Arrow. That being said, this show does follow some manner of internal logic and we both appreciate that and are, occasionally, distracted by its lapses. Here were the biggest logic fails from Season 6, Episode 13 (“The Day I Tried to Live”).

Matt and Enzo’s little trip. How do people keep popping down to Duke on this show? Doesn’t Matt have a job he needs to show up at? (Logic points, though, for mentioning Matt’s mom. Come back, Julie Cooper!)

Bonnie needs help to figure out a spell? We know Damon has been around for a million years, but Bonnie is the one who has been straight-up saving all of her friends for the last five and a half seasons. If anyone is going to figure out that she needs some magical blood to get back home, then it’s going to be the witch with nothing else to do but think about her escape. It’s definitely not going to be the people who are too busy eating cupcakes and celebrating their friend’s birthday without her.

Jeremy uses his old application. We had to laugh out loud when Jeremy unfurled his crumpled up application that he had so obviously retrieved from the trash. We get that this moment had visual value, but he couldn’t have printed out a new application? Come to think of it, isn’t this the sort of thing that should probably be happening online? What year is it on TVD again? It can be hard to keep track.

Bonnie’s suicidal turn. Granted, we’ve never been stuck in a prison world all by our lonesome, but does anyone think that Bonnie’s suicidal turn — given she’s never exhibited such tendencies before — seemed a little sudden? Sure, being alone can be, well, lonely, but Bonnie literally has the entire world to explore. She can read all of the books and visit all of the sites and sleepover in all of the museums. She can binge-watch all of The her own private movie theatre. Yeah, there would be tough days, but we think Bonnie would last a little bit longer before deciding to end it all. After the last few years she’s had in the “real” world, this should be like an extended vacation! That being said, Kat Graham killed it this week, no?

Enzo’s entire storyline. We’re still not really sure why Enzo hates Stefan so much. Or how turning Sarah Salvatore into a despicable human being who wants to become a vampire would help turn Damon against Stefan, which is where this whole vendetta thing started, right? And maybe Matt should call his mom, tell her to leave town, then tell someone about Enzo’s destructive behavior?
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

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