Thursday 19 June 2014

Everything We Know So Far !

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Spoilers Roundup — Everything We Know So Far 

We may yet be a few months away from the Season 6 premiere of our beloved The Vampire Diaries, but that doesn’t mean we don’t already have clues about what the upcoming season will bring. Here is what we know so far about TVD Season 6. 

The entire cast is returning. Don’t worry, friends. Every one of the main cast members will be back for Season 6, including Ian Somerhalder and Kat Graham. Joining the main cast:  Matt Davis as sexy history teacher/vampire Alaric Saltzman and Michael Malarkey as vampire and rugby-aficionado Enzo. We’re pretty excited about these developments.

There will be a substantial time jump. Season 6 of TVD will pick up at least several months after the end of Season 5. Though we don’t have details on how much time will have passed, we know it will be a “substantial time jump” and will find our characters starting over in a variety of ways. Julie Plec told The Hollywood Reporter "The way we look at it, Season 6 is a beautiful and organic reset. The theme of the season is everybody gets to start over. That's what we're going to do.”

Where are Bonnie and Damon? Though we know Bonnie and Damon will be back for Season 6, we’re not sure how or where, and Julie Plec isn’t giving us any answers. She told Entertainment Weekly, “I think the ending of the episode is meant to be left up deliberately for speculation of what exactly did happen to [Damon and Bonnie]. I can say for certain the Other Side is gone for good, and I can say for certain that when the Other Side disappeared for good that they had already been dealt with — whether it’s through finding peace or other means. Outside of that [laughs], I think I’ll let the speculation blow around for a little while longer.”

Mystic Falls is magic-free. Mystic Falls without magic almost seems unnatural at this point, but that’s the deal in Season 6. The Traveler spell that cleared the town of magic is still in effect, which means that no vampires, werewolves, hybrids, etc. can cross into the town without dying. (Sorry, almost every character on this show. You can’t go home.) Also: the Gilbert Ring no longer works. Bummer.

A journey back to each other. According to the leaked promotional poster: “Season six will be the story of their battle between good and evil within themselves, and their journey back to each other to reclaim their home.” Does this mean that Bonnie and Damon will be making their way back to their loved ones? Or will Elena and the gang also be aware that Bonnie and Damon are still alive(ish?) and be putting in some effort on their end, too? Either way, we’re totally on board with this epic theme.

Steroline will be explored. Look for Steroline to be put on the front burner in Season 6, but that doesn’t mean Caroline knows what the heck she feels for Stefan. According to Caroline Dries: “The feelings behind the feelings are something we get to explore in season 6 as we watch how her relationship with Stefan plays out in the wake of the finale. Caroline also thinks that “she’s not quite sure what she’s feeling” and there’s a lot of “grey area” in the Steroline relationship.

Stelena is “settled.” There’s less grey area in the Stelena relationship, which continues to be comfortable following the chat Stefan and Elena had about their friendship last season. According to Nina Dobrev, "If you look back to Season 1, it's been very hectic for her and it's nice [for her and Stefan] to be in a settled place." Although, she also admitted that it would be “awkward” for Elena should Stefan and Caroline start dating.

Enzo is a “loose canon.” Enzo is back from the dead, and he is just as unpredictable as ever. This time, however, he’ll have Alaric to interact with, and it doesn’t sound like the two are getting along swimmingly. “Enzo, as we left him, is still a bit of a loose cannon wild thing and I can’t wait until the two [he and Alaric] butt heads – and I’m sure they will,” Caroline Dries teased. “Let’s see, wish list — feels like there could be a bar brawl in their future. Or maybe they’ll just karaoke compete against each other.”

Matt is in a “very fresh place.” Matty Blue Eyes is back and he’s loving living in a magic-free Mystic Falls. According to Caroline Dries, “Matt has been victimized so much in the show as a result of being human in a vampire-run world, so we’re excited to give him his version of a ‘human’ world, especially now that he’s grown up so much, developed opinions and beliefs and has really come into his own.” Also, look for Matt to potentially be suiting up for the Mystic Falls P.D.

Stefan is a changed vampire. Losing Damon predictably did a number on Stefan. "It's really a character-defining journey for [Stefan], and it'll change him quite a lot," Julie Plec told TV Guide. "At what point does he decide to give up or keep searching for answers?” Yikes! Sounds like Stefan isn’t doing so well.

Everyone will have “come to terms” with the deaths. Given the time jump, we will find these characters moved on from Bonnie and Damon’s apparent deaths in some way. According to Julie Plec, “A good amount of time would have passed. Our characters fundamentally will have had to come to terms with the fact that Damon and Bonnie are gone forever. There are those who refuse to give up. There are those who have given up. There are those who are living in denial. All of them have found ways to move forward and get on with their lives in really unique and distinct ways.”

Tyler is human and potentially finding love. Tyler’s central struggle in Season 6 will be to keep from triggering his werewolf gene — again. This means he will have to control the rage that comes with having the werewolf gene. Perhaps a potential new love interest will help? Julie Plec told The Hollywood Reporter, “It's time for him to find somebody new to love, because one thing that can help us with the darkest parts inside ourselves is the light of love, so I'm looking forward to exploring that with him.” Us, too.

Alaric is back and helping Elena deal. Though Elena may be struggling to deal with life without Damon in Season 6, she does have support in the form of Alaric, who is back from the dead. According to Julie Plec, “He's going to be there for her as a friend and as emotional support. But also now he has to come to terms with what it's like to live life as a secret vampire. So she has something to teach him too. The Elena and Alaric friendship is something we're really looking forward to next year and I'm super excited to have Matt back. He's not only a fan favorite, but a cast favorite.”

Forwood friendship. Speaking of friendship, it sounds like Caroline and Tyler will finally be in a good place again as friends. According to Julie Plec, “We can officially say that Caroline and Tyler have reached a point where they genuinely and legitimately care about each other and have found their way back to being friends, but are no longer a couple.”

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