Tuesday 22 April 2014

Steroline,Stelena And Directional Debut

'Vampire Diaries' Star Paul Wesley Dishes on Steroline, Stelena, and His Directorial Debut

As Stefan Salvatore on "The Vampire Diaries," Paul Wesley has had to bite countless necks, engage in dozens of brawls, and even get locked up in a box. But in the April 17 episode, he faced a completely new challenge: stepping behind the camera!

Wesley makes his directorial debut with "Resident Evil," and Yahoo TV chatted with the star by phone about why he switched sides, as well his thoughts on a reunion between Stefan and Elena, and the growing fanbase for a Stefan/Caroline romance.

What made you want to step behind the camera to direct? 
Being an actor is an incredibly gratifying, rewarding experience. But there are certain limitations, and I've been interested in the production aspect and filmmaking aspect, behind the cameras, ever since I wanted to become an actor. There are certain things that you wish you could control as an actor, and I was able to define some of those things. There's a great fulfillment there. That was something I aspired to do and attain. It was everything I thought it would be.

Was it odd to be directing your co-stars? 
It was oddly comfortable. You know, sometimes we have directors come on who have never watched an episode in their life, and they're trying to talk to us, and we're like, "Hey, we've been doing this for half a decade." And I think the actors knew that I was certainly not trying to undermine anything, they know their roles better than I do. I made that very clear the day I stepped on set. And they really welcomed my opinions and knew that I was coming from a place of knowledge and experience with this series, so they felt they could trust me. I was very appreciative of that.

In this week's episode, Stefan and Elena have dreams about each other and the life they could've had. What will we learn about their relationship?
I don't know if you'll really learn anything new about them. It has a really great visual sequence that occurs that is really a throwback to Season 1 and Season 2. I really enjoyed the hell out of that. I think Season 1 and Season 2 were really powerful and strong, and it gave us an ability to reset things a little bit.

Does this maybe pave the way for a reunion for them? 
No, I don't think so. The show can only exist in that sort of perpetual state of a love triangle. I think maybe they'll reunite at one point, and then break up again. That's just kind of the way this show works. When we shoot the finale of the show one of these days, it'll be interesting to see who Elena chooses... or none of them!

And what about Stefan and Caroline? The Steroline crew is getting bigger by the week. Do you think they might eventually get together? 
It's worthy of exploration. I don't know if it's the ultimate "oh, this is it, they're in love" endgame. I'm not saying it is or isn't. It's definitely an interesting storyline that we can explore.

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