Tuesday 22 April 2014

Human Stefan!

Vampire Diaries Star Paul Wesley Wants Stefan to Be a Human

Vampire Diaries star Paul Wesley (Stefan) did a phenomenal job when he stepped behind the camera to direct last week’s Season 5, Episode 18 (“Resident Evil”). The role also temporarily gave him greater control over the overall vision of the series. If given the choice to determine where Stefan ends up come the TVD finale, what would Paul choose? The answers might surprise you!

When asked by a Mobio INsider user: “If u had the opportunity 2 direct the last episode of VampD, where would u like 2 see Stefan end up? Paul answered: “as a human.”
Hmm...interesting. And, we have to admit, after catching a sneak peek of Human Stefan in Stelena’s shared visions in last week’s ep, Human Stefan looked pretty darn happy. Sure, Stefan and Elena later established that the visions were not real and should not be interpreted as a possibility, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see Stefan doing way better as a good old-fashioned human.
Let’s face it: Stefan sucks at being a vampire. (Pun probably intended.) He’s either ripping everyone’s heads off or living in constant fear/guilt of ripping everyone’s heads off. There’s no middle ground with this one — unlike, say, a Caroline or even a Damon. Sure, Damon has his bloodthirsty moments, but we always get the impression that Damon could stop if he wanted, that his blood binges come as a result of his emotional volatility rather than an extreme bloodlust he can’t ignore. A Human Stefan could finally let go without having to worry about massacring a whole town of people, and we think he’d be so much happier for it. Of course, he would probably eventually have to deal with losing his Hero Hair — dilemma!

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